Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update 9.16

So things have slowed down, not really I just have a FIVE HOUR break between classes so I thought I'd give you all a sneak peak at some of the job I've been working on.

This is my Saturday line up first finish up the party that started my photo booth

Then I get to start editing these pretty pics, Autumn doesn't like me and I don't know why but we got some good ones out of the day.

We move on to surprise birthdays with hugs and tears all around.

And the girls over at Bravissimo are gearing up for Halloween.

So that's what my weekend is shaping up to be I think, oh no wait there some chem hwk plus Im reading Lewis and Clark, maybe i get some sleep maybe.-TKwK

Oh P.S. Shout out to my first official follower Morgan, I know people are out there reading but she's the first to make it official, so big ups!(I always wanted to say that!)
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In it up too my ears!!

School is piling up right now, and i have no time to do the edits i need to get done from this past weekends shoots, and i have another shoot tonight plus a paper due....Life is up around my ears right now(kinda wish i had a pic of that) oh well posts forth coming, just as soon as i drain the water out!! -TKwK Click Here to Read More..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day....Rise of the Photo Booth!

South Philadelphia and I have a long standing love hate relationship, South Philly gives me contacts in the film industry, South Philly steals my camera gear, South Philly gives me Charlie’s Rippers, South Philly tries to steal my car!! but when the opportunity comes along to put a new spin on an old classic, how can I stay away....

So here’s the skinny......One white seam, One light, One Photog......The results...

Absolutely crazy, so much happened that night from just your regular to your "did that just happen".

See what I mean!!
Im working on a full slide show to be posted later but school has me jammed up so, it may be a while, Im also debating if the uncensored version will ever see the light of day.

Big Shout out to my friends arizona and dalice for letting me come down and basically making this happen.
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