So things have slowed down, not really I just have a FIVE HOUR break between classes so I thought I'd give you all a sneak peak at some of the job I've been working on.
This is my Saturday line up first finish up the party that started my photo booth

Then I get to start editing these pretty pics, Autumn doesn't like me and I don't know why but we got some good ones out of the day.

We move on to surprise birthdays with hugs and tears all around.

And the girls over at Bravissimo are gearing up for Halloween.

So that's what my weekend is shaping up to be I think, oh no wait there some chem hwk plus Im reading Lewis and Clark, maybe i get some sleep maybe.-TKwK
Oh P.S. Shout out to my first official follower Morgan, I know people are out there reading but she's the first to make it official, so big ups!(I always wanted to say that!)
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