Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mad Max

Midterms have ended, Let the bloging CONTINUE!!!! lol
hey ppl. Its been a while, and even though I haven't been writing about it, I still been shooting.
When we last left our Can you tell im glad to be back.
So over the last few weeks I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off shooting a few different things babies, parties, me, and all the stress of midterms thrown in for good measure. Now Im thru it all and still sane (for the most part) and i got some really good stuff to show for it.

Costume designer and friend, Liza James of kiMetics put together a great shoot for me, all I had to do was show up and shoot. Liza wanted a group of photos to represent one of her newest creations a costume from Mad Max of the character Aunty Entity. So two models, four lights, and 24hrs later...

We have Tanya and


These ladies rocked out, we were looking for a way to represent the character and shake it up with a bit of fun and I think both of them brought it out.

Here are a few more from the shoot..

You can check out Liza's Costumes and more of Christina's work.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Cafe Amor

Hey, guys check out some of the pic from the TU student film Cafe Amor...
Cafe Amor is a one minute student film by rookie director Chad Hamilton, with debut performances from Kathleen Serra, Ethan Davis, and philly's own Rim Cafe.
Check out the pics here
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