Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meet Anthony Trammel

Well you cant actually meet him not yet anyway! Anthony Joseph Trammel, a character I'm writing for a script. He's a good looking guy, 24, 5'11", 185lbs.
He's even got his own bio. take a look tell me what cha think.

In the early hours of the morning of February, 1986, a future great Anthony Trammel arrived at a St Christopher's hospital in Philadelphia. Trammel, son of famous painter Lillian Trammel who was a huge star in art circles in the eighties and nineties, spent his early years in North Philadelphia before moving and growing up in the Germantown / East Falls section of Philadelphia where he spent his early life watching his mother paint.
As a youth Trammels promise as a painter could be seen but his ability to let his passion cloud his judgement would show as well. The painting One Logan that would later win him a grant was made through less than legal ways, he recalls having seen a photograph made by his sister and the image catching his imagination, so he snuck in and painted the piece in one night capturing his dream.
Trammel would be a product of the Philadelphia public school system winding up at the Philadelphia School for the Creative And Performing Art where he would graduate in the top ten percent of his class before continuing to Temple University’s Tyler School of Art. Where his rise to the top would continue pass his graduation, Trammel now a Master of Fine Art is also winner of the Antonio Kristof Grant for artistry. An award for artist who display a great potential for mastery of their craft.
Besides being just a painter Trammel is a techie, snowboarder, reader, science fiction aficionado and futurist. He follows the works of other futurist like Ray Kurzweil, Danila Medvedev, and Michio Kaku. Trammel likes to be involved in many different facets of life he feel it affects his work, he is a contradiction in terms, a flirt and family oriented man who speaks highly of his mother and sister a assistant photographer for Annie Leibowitz.

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