Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And So, It Begins....

As I was sitting here trying to figure out what my first post should be, a scene from a movie popped into my head, where the lead actress is narrating what she writes on her blog as she types. I found myself listening to my own inner monologue as I was typing ...Im doing it write now!!....It made me laugh. It also reminded me of Doogie Howser, which made me laugh more.

But anyway, hello. I am Kris with a K, why with a k? Well if you ask my mom its because she didn't have a t.v. to watch while waiting on me to be born, so I got a K– As for the rest of my name, she says she was just bored. Great, she’s bored and I get five names out of the deal.

To kick start my blog I thought about the best way to introduce myself and figured that a top 10 list of random things about me post would be the best way to give alot of info in a short amount of time and because I’ve never done one before.

So here we go...

Number 10. I like anime for as many geeky reasons as you can think of, but also because I use to draw and I felt anime was the best of all the drawing I had seen  up to that point.

Number 9.  One time I drove Ana Gasteyer to set from her home in New York. Most nerve racking thing I have done to date. She was great but it was a day of first, the first film I ever worked on, the first time I had worked with a SAG actress, the first time I had ever driven in New York, It was a lot and started off as a complete train nerves that day were shot.

Number 8.  I have driven over 150mph.... with my grandmother no less, we were on a road trip. it was awesome.

Number 7. Myself and another talented photographer Kevin shot a calendar known as Charlie’s Rippers, It is pin up meets serial killers think Charlie’s Angels and Jack the Ripper, get it!

Number 6. I think I should walk around with a calendar stapled to my forehead, because Im bad, very bad with dates, for years my mothers birthday was always 2 days after it really was and you couldn't tell me otherwise.

Number 5. My favorite pictures are from the moon landing, especially the earth rise photograph.

Number 4. The things that fall out of my head are often strange, but seem to keep the people in my house laughing.

Number 3. I have never beat the computer at chess and I’ve tried!, oh I've tried.

Number 2. I can’t smell. Correction I can’t smell properly due to terrible allergies, i smell very strong odors but for the most part obvious(I was also oblivious to the fact I spelled this wrong till just now, so bad).

Number 1. I want to learn 4 other languages. Japanese, French, Mandarin, and Spanish.

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