Sunday, August 29, 2010

The first rule of photography

The first rule of photography is you dont talk about photograghy.....You dont, its bad, so stop it right now!

Im lying so bad, if i’ve learned anything about the creative world from watching people like Jasmine Star this week on creative live, Chase Jarvis when he does his awesome blog post, and reading David Hobby as well as the myriad of other blogs (that my google reader is giving me now cuz i just learn that it exist!) is that you always talk about your craft cause thats how you learn and grow.

Thats not the first rule of photography, but this is...Always have your camera with you!!!

Its a hard and fast rule you cant make a picture without it, and its a rule i haven't been following. When i first started i alway had my camera i think my first year i had about 10,000 photos in my collection of anything and everything and over the last year and a half or so i started carrying my camera less i kinda got full of myself. I was like “I’ll only take pictures when im working cuz im a pro and i need to get paid when I shoot”(total ego trip) and it came back and bit me in the butt...I started looking at the images I been taking over the last year and i thinking these are just ok. fine yea there are a few stand outs but i dont feel like i have groups of images to brand myself as a professional photographer, so in essence I’m not. I have a very expensive hobby

It took till a few days ago after watching a true photographer Jasmine Star bear her soul about how she makes her art and what it took to get there, to remind me why i want to be a photographer, its for the joy of making images and catching moments. and in this business its 20% pictures and 80% branding. theres alot of work to do.

so Im back photography, did you miss me?

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