So I was going thru my old photos and I came across this one

and it reminded me of the series that a few photographers and I got to shoot with Becker a while back, before I knew who Becker was. I am such a noob its not even funny.
Here’s how this sadness goes down.
So I was trying to find an opportunity to hang out with a friend of mine Greg Haygood (check out his stuff here its really good), just hang out and shoot the day like we had done once before which yielded some awesome photos of Greg's friend Alynson but thats another post, maybe? we had been trying and trying, finally I had the time to go up to Greg's studio in NJ. When I got there we hung for a bit and he shows me the new place and what the new set-ups gonna look like, then really off the cuff asks me if I wanna go to New York because this guy Becker is having a photo meet up it will be a bunch of photographers just hanging and taking pics. Im like what the hell, new york, photos, me, lets do it....so not concerned about this Becker guy....well we get there, hang, shoot, talk, Becker’s gotten us models to shoot it was a really great night. I learned quite a bit, now that i think about it. B shared his philosophy on shooting with us, which was basically shoot the shit out of it (his words) because we have the tech and the space so why not, we want to catch the moments. All in all an awesome time is had by all, but I never dawns on me that Becker's kind of a big deal.
It wasn't till a few weeks later when I’m doing an edit and some shop work on the pic (yea i know a few weeks later for an edit, so so bad) that I go and look for his blog and then my face drops, I had spent the night with one of the top wedding photographer in the world and the moment was completely over my head. totally lost on me. I bequeath unto myself a boot to the head.
I’ve kinda put this particular moment out of my head until now because I felt embarrassed about my attitude towards the whole thing but in the end I remember some of the stuff we talked about that night and I will bring some of that [b]ness into my work. So it’s a year late but thank you b, your really are un[b]elievable!
This post made me go back and do a re-edit of those pic and here are a few, im gonna try and do a slideshow with what i got, if it turns out good ill post it.

Greg & B

Then after everybody left Greg and I stayed behind and shot this...

check out [b]'s blog stuff here its really good)
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